Issue parking permits
Say goodbye to handwritten permits! Standardize and track the permits you issue. Each parking permit you create contains the type of parking package, the rate, the length of stay, the make and model of the vehicle, payment status and more. Only the fields you select will appear on your permits!
Track incoming and outgoing vehicles
Know who’s coming and who’s going in your parking lot! Our simple calendar pull-down lets you view your lot’s status at a glance. Automatically retrieve parking permits. Check availability by day or by lot. Scan for arrivals and departures. We place all your parking info at your fingertips!
Assign varying rates
Hourly, daily, long-term, special deals – you name it! Create as many rates as you need. Then select the rate you want from the pop-up menu on the parking permit. Once you’ve completed the parking permit, the overall cost will be calculated automatically. No more math mistakes!
Manage vehicle keys
With our automatic numbering system, you’ll never again ask which keys belong with which vehicle! Our key tracking system assigns a unique identifier to each vehicle, so keys and cars can remain together.
Administer parking lot space
Quickly determine how much parking space you have remaining for each day! Our numbering system works just as well for parking spaces as it does for key management. You’ll know how many spaces you have assigned and how many spaces you have remaining. Eliminate the guesswork!
Produce parking reports
Automatically compile your parking data into easy-to-read reports! Access daily reports on arrivals and departures. Produce reports on each lot. You can print your parking reports in either Excel or PDF formats!